Everything I create is from a deep connection to nature. In this series I demonstrate not only that innate connection but also reflect on my reaction TO that relationship. I am standing back and watching myself connect with all my senses to a moving, lively world of beauty. My hand tells the story on the canvas. There is no “reality” of imagery here, but a state of being awash in the flow going by, which is what I actually see and feel. The elements of water, sky, land, light and air play together, touching, speaking, and moving on. My reaction is painted, not the actual parts of nature.
Something I noticed as I was mid-stream through this series: my work is busier visually than in the past. I keep the “breathing space” areas (clear areas between the busier substance of imagery) but there is a lot going on. There are layers of textures and shapes, there is movement and scattered details; almost an intentional lack of focus. This reflects the current energy of my life: again, “a lot going on.” My adult children are both off on life-changing career adventures, my husband has started two new businesses, and I have been for years a full-time artist. There is more chaos in the world today that is a distraction to calm thought. With so much to focus on, I finish one task only to move on to three more, keeping the painting moving in a steady stream.
Painting every day no matter the current of life, I am driven to see where this is going and where it may end.
If you line up the 30”x 48” canvases left to right, your eye can follow the imagery through a linear evolution of time and place. The work is carrying me there, more than I am planning its course. The composition of each painting has a fluid connection to all the other paintings, as does all our events in life.
An advent is a beginning and also a coming of something significant. Time only moves forward.
Walking From the Water...

30" x 48" acrylic on canvas. $3000.

30" x 48" acrylic on canvas. $3000.

30" x 48" acrylic on canvas. $3000.

30" x 48" acrylic on canvas. $3000.

30" x 48" acrylic on canvas. $3000.

30" x 48" acrylic on canvas. $3000.

36" x 72" acrylic on canvas. $5000.

36" x 72" acrylic on canvas. $5000.

36" x 72" acrylic on canvas. $5000.
...And Into the Desert

48" x 72" acrylic on canvas. $6000.

48" x 108" acrylic on canvas. $6000.

48" x 90" acrylic on canvas. $6000.

48" x 92" 3 canvas panels. $5,000.